About TPI.tv

About TPI.tv


TPI.tv wants to connect experts. TPI.tv is the information portal for the Transition Programme for Innovations without the use of Animals (TPI). This portal facilitates acceleration towards innovations to increase efficacy and safety of medicines and safety of food, cosmetics and chemical substances or mixtures, whilst making use of animal tests redundant.

The professionals who are involved are diverse: researchers, research funders, startups, industrials, test-developers, regulators, policymakers, etc. All of them are part of development chains in the fields of life sciences, health, chemicals, cosmetics, food and environment. TPI.tv connects those professionals who want to have a dialogue on content. TPI.tv helps them to exchange relevant information, knowledge and data and setup collaborations to find ways to innovate and proceed through phases of valorisation and validation towards market entrance. We are convinced that dialogue and exchange is a key to application of innovations. 


This portal works like a market place. Look in the window shop and find the experts whose missions connect with yours and with whom you can exchange information, knowledge or data needed to accelerate the process of innovations. But also, if you want to share your expertise, make a video and pitch your ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘what’: Why does your activity makes the difference? How are you contributing on innovations without the use of animals, with which method? And what product or service do you deliver? If it’s relevant, you can add links to your documents or databases. Maybe, you will even find things on TPI.tv you didn’t search for but which turn out to be very useful!


TPI.tv is a broadcasting network. The window shop shows videos on whatever screen you’re watching, anywhere in the world. Video is the best way to reach and mobilize viewers. Via hyperlinks from your video you can let viewers know what you have to offer. On the other hand, you can look for colleagues with solutions for specific cases. 

The exchange network will be managed in a publisher-mode. A group of stakeholders act as an editorial team. They guard privacy, edit videos , add information to the videos, and categorize them. Furthermore, they follow viewer data and interactions. This way, TPI.tv becomes a learning exchange network. Discover how TPI.tv works like a well-functioning market place and forum for not only technical but also social innovation: connecting experts, accelerating the transition towards animal free innovations! 


Pending transfer of hosting responsibilities to an external, non-governmental party, TPI.tv is hosted by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). RIVM is partner in the Transition Programme for Innovations without the use of animals (TPI). RIVM is not to be held responsible for the content of the videos.


About TPI


The Transition Programme for Innovations without the use of animals (TPI) brings people and organisations together with the aim of accelerating the rate of innovation. Together, we are working on:

  • improved applicability and reliability for chemicals;
  • improved predictability and reproducibility of scientific research;
  • better treatment methods and efficacy of medicines;
  • better and more accessible research information;
  • applications for promising technologies;
  • solutions to problems within the chain;
  • a platform for social debate.


When it comes to science and technology, we are learning and discovering more and more. Entrepreneurs, researchers and civil society organizations are increasingly aware of the opportunities for research and tests without the need for laboratory animals. New medicines and chemicals can be tested for safety and efficacy in an increasing number of ways. In this transition from animal studies to animal-free methods and technologies, parts of the existing system are gradually replaced by parts of the new one, until the entire system has eventually been renewed. This process is facilitated by incremental changes and initiatives outside of the existing frameworks.


A transition is a social development rather than a policy decision. However, policymakers can speed up and supervise this process. The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality has stepped up to the plate. On 1 June 2018, Minister Schouten wrote to the House of Representatives explaining the why and how of the TPI. Since then, several individuals and organizations have been working hard to accelerate the Transition towards animal free innovations through innovation networks and projects. This Information Portal for professionals on Innovations without the use of animals is one of them. 


How to find information at TPI.tv

When you visit the TPI.tv website, a (random) video starts playing automatically. In the upper-right corner of the screen you will see some logos, including a magnifying glass and a rectangle. Let’s say that you want to find information on the Helpathon. You can search for this the following ways:

  1. Free text search. Click on the magnifying glass and enter Helpathon. A number of videos will appear on your screen and the first few of them will be the most relevant for you search.
  2. Browse by category. Click on the rectangle logo. The screen will list a number of videos for the main categories (Experts, Innovation, Meetings, Other). At the top of the screen you will see a pull-down menu “categories”. If you click on this, the menu will appear and you can click on one of the main categories (Meetings). This will show the videos in the category that you chose. 


How to use TPI.tv

Feel free to submit a video on your research, your product, or your question. Feel free to use TPI.tv for your research, education, or networking activities. Feel free to encourage its use in your organization. To ensure TPI.tv helps to facilitate the TPI goals, the TPI.tv editorial team reserves the right to refuse videos or requests that interfere with issues such as privacy, the goal or the not-for-profit character of TPI.tv, social standards regarding online behaviour, and any other issues that we consider relevant. Please see our Terms and Conditions and Privacy policy for more information.

Content generated with a commercial intent or produced by parties with a strictly commercial point of view is not allowed. The criterium for uploaded videos is that science is leading in the video; advertisements for specific products or parties are not allowed.